Corona virus and the Autistic Children

Autism is a unique disorder which is characterized by problematic social interactions and defective communication along with other symptoms such as difficulty in comprehension and non-verbal communication. NHS defines autism as an alternate way of thinking and brain functioning. It has not been defined as an illness according to NHS UK. Since there is no specific way to alter an autistic person’s brain functioning, therefore, it is a life-long condition which some parents have difficulty in accepting. Although autistic children do have their strengths but social interaction is not one of them. It definitely takes effort to make an autistic child adjust within an environment like that of a school. Not only does gathering intimidate autistic child but unfamiliar changes and loud noises too make him uncomfortable. This symptomology makes the journey to a school more challenging for an autistic child. In the present context of the world wherein children as well as parents are restricted to their homes to prevent Covid-19 infection, autistic children have a hard time in understanding what is going on around them. The sudden change in life can cause anxiety in children with this disorder. New routines are hard to follow for autistic kid. It is recommended that parents with such a kid should try to stick to a specific schedule of sleeping, reading and eating amidst the present scenario to develop a new routine for the child. In absence of his teachers, the parents should act as guides and offer assignment help or homework help. Little support with specific subjects should be provided such as management assignment help or case study help. Other than that the kid should be
- Engaged in conversations wherein you explain it to him that Covid-19 is a virus which can make one really sick. He should also be provided with a routine to clean hands and change clothes as often as he steps out or touches things brought from market.
- Art and craft work should be given to him. This will advance his creativity as well.
- Writing a diary or journal should be made into a routine. This will help him to be expressive in writing.
- The parents should join the autistic child in exercises every morning to help him remain fit.
- He should be kept away from news and social media. He can have a panic reaction to the things happening right now in the world.
- Doing yoga with the child may also calm him or if he is too young for meditation then listening to soothing music is also good.
- Since this disorder has to do with reduced levels of comprehension, therefore, pictures and stories should be introduced to him. So that he will be able to make sense of the situation in his own way.
- Just like normal kids, autistic kids should also be informed about social distancing and wearing the mask. It may take time for him to get used to the new lifestyle but keeping the autistic condition in view small steps will help him in forming a new routine.
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